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Top QSR Restaurant Management Blogs

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bloggers laptop and coffee

Top QSR Restaurant Management Blogs

bloggers laptop and coffee

With so many restaurant blogs out there in practically every niche, quick-serve owners have an abundance of advice available to them from every corner of the industry. But it’s exhausting to go through each one to find the Quick Service Restaurant POS blogs that speak to you, which is why we did some of the legwork for you. For a little clarity and lot of insight, check out the following top restaurant blogs.

The Tip Jar

Stay up to speed on new food trends with GrubHub. This delivery company has access to lots of data, and they’re channeling that information into new blog posts every month. Whether you have a delivery service or not, the information is general enough that you can still use it to your advantage. See which dishes are lighting up the charts, how restaurants can connect with more customers, and why delivery has become popular for certain areas but not for others.

Insight for Innovative Restaurants

Staffed by industry experts at Fast Casual and sporting a variety of topics, this fast food blog delves into a number of relevant issues for owners today. From industry regulations to mastering time productivity, this blog has you covered. Restaurant owners can scan the headlines for the highlights and then click on individual entries for additional information.


It’s not uncommon for restaurants to make a lot of mistakes when it comes to marketing. And while errors are inevitable, they also tend to eat away at profits. This blog was founded by James Eling, an entrepreneur on a quest to help restaurants reach out to their ideal audience (without having to wage multi-million dollar campaigns.) If you’ve been struggling to grow, keep an eye on this one.


This company makes interactive games to liven up a customer’s restaurant or bar experience, and they bring their ‘fun’ philosophy to practically everything they do. Between employee relations as well as everyday customer service, being in a restaurant can lead to some serious conflicts. Learn how to bring down the heat with some tips and tricks from Buzztime.

Grub Street

Edited by one of the top influencers in the restaurant industry, Alan Sytsma, this blog features tongue-in-cheek commentaries as well as solid business strategies alike. For those looking for restaurant franchise blogs that can give context to their questions, this is one to check out immediately. From politics to seasonal illnesses to funny observations, no topic is off limits for Grub Street.

The Restaurant Engine

Those looking for a restaurant owner blog that can give technical advice should check out The Restaurant Engine. A restaurant’s web presence can have a major effect on their profits, and it’s up to owners to keep up with changing consumer preferences. Search engines continue to be one of the top ways for people to discover more about the restaurants in their area.

Modern Restaurant Management

This blog is a complete resource for some of the more boring parts of restaurant management, including financial advice and compliance updates. Owners can check in every once in a while to get tips on ways to make their administrative operations more seamless. For those who dread handling their expense reports or hearing from local officials, this blog can make it easier to develop a better strategy.

Restaurant (by Reddit)

Reddit encourages interactive discussion across a variety of restaurant-specific subject matters, which can make it a good place to get advice for owners. Readers can comment on restaurant blogs to start a conversation, but it’s more difficult to get a conversation going that way. The topics are extremely varied, but it’s also easy to start a specific discussion by posting an interesting article on a topic that’s important to you.

Mouthing Off

Made by the editors of Food & Wine magazine, this blog is known for its wit and breadth of topics. It’s excellent for the QSR owner who wants to understand the hospitality business. A major change in a fine-dining establishment can have a trickle-down effect to even the most casual of restaurants. Understanding the motivating forces behind these changes helps owners prepare for potential changes down the line.


Not everyone will want to study analytics about the restaurant industry, but those charts and graphs tell an interesting story about what’s behind the changes in the industry. Data management isn’t easy to do, but TDn2K is attempting to tame the flood of numbers across the nation. Restaurant owners who make a habit of checking into this blog will develop a better idea of how they can use their own data to their advantage.

Open for Business

OpenTable’s blog may seem irrelevant to a QSR owner, but you might be surprised at what you’ll find here. Instead of focusing on news, they talk to real restaurant employees who put their best entrepreneurial foot forward. As you might imagine, not everyone is an instant success. For inspiration and a maybe even a little commiserating, use this blog to learn from chefs and managers who faced (and overcame) a myriad of hurdles.


For something a little more specific to your business, this blog tackles common problems of QSRs across the country. While it will cover a number of different cuisines, there are plenty of tips to spot changing preferences and obstacles to the QSR industry. From PR fiascos to transitioning eating habits in the Midwest, keep yourself in the loop about how people prefer to find, eat at, and pay for quick-serve food.
The top blogs for restaurant owners are those that seamlessly integrate past experience with current events. Linga POS wants our clients to stay flexible so they can continue to thrive in an increasingly competitive space. It’s just one reason why we make technology that can keep up with QSR restaurant needs. From daily menu changes to valuable enterprise reporting, our POS platform keeps you in the driver’s seat.

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